
Sitepump provides sophisticated customization features in administration panel that will allow you to change behavior, look and feel of your start page / dashboard up to granular level. It is extremely easy to use and requires no technical skills.

Add Gadget Panel

It is an interface for providing flexibility of content choices to your users so they can choose what they want and it allows you to provide the latest content as you may wish. You can offer pre-built gadgets we have and you can also offer specific rss feeds / podcasts, flash widgets, calendars, or gadgets made via Gadget API. There is no limit on number of columns you can add or on number of items you can add in each of those columns.

Default Look

Our powerful 'Default Look' feature allows you to set the default page for your users when they will land on the page for the first time. You can customize the page like any regular user from admin section and the solution will take care of rest.

Static Gadgets and Static Page

Sometimes you may want to set the default look of your page so that your users cannot move or delete certain gadgets or certain tabs on their pages. Our static gadget functionality provides exactly that kind of control in your hands. This is a useful feature when you are a consumer site offering branded start page and you don't want your users to delete the gadget showing an ad unit. For enterprises, this is a useful feature when you want your employees to be focused on common agenda or company wide announcements.

Theme and Wallpapers

Admin settings for themes allow you to add new themes for your users to choose from. In addition to themes, you can also manage top/bottom wallpapers for them.


Our admin interface for branding allows you to do following settings when it comes to branding.

Logo and URL Using options in admin panel, you will be able to put your logo and url at upper-left corner of page.
Sign-In Link Using our admin panel, you will be able to decide a redirect URL where your users should go to upon clicking on 'Sign-In' link. Usually, this is a redirect link to your existing Sign-In page.
Register Link Using our admin panel, you will be able to decide a redirect URL where your users should go to upon clicking on 'Register' link. Usually, this is a redirect link to your existing 'Registration' page.
Left Navigation By using our full-featured HTML editor, you will be able to add a navigation bar on left side to offer same look and feel between your site and your start page.
Footer By using our full-featured HTML editor, you will be able to customize footer of your start page.

Buttons for sharing

Using admin panel, you will be able to add custom images for buttons like 'Add to YourSite'. Your users can stick these buttons on their sites to share gadgets from start page with their visitors and ultimately that helps you to get more traffic on your site.

1-2-3 Step Personalization

Sitepump provides 3 step personalization process to your users so they can select their interests and geographic location before they land on their page. Based on what they select as their interests and location, our solution can deliver personalize page catered to their interests. You will be able to decide these options based on aggregate demographic information you already have for your users. For each option given to users, you will also be able to offer related content you have. If you wish, you can simply remove 1-2-3 step procedure and set the 'Default Look' when users land for the first time.

We are not stopping here though - We are continuously working to bring breakthrough and innovative ways to help you win your users or customers. As mentioned in our pricing section, all updates are free for the period of your subscription.